MSCI: Powering better investment decisions

In 2021, I worked on a digital experience for MSCII - a financial services client that provides unique data insights to financial advisors. Those advisors - in turn - use that information to make better decisions on their client’s investment portfolios.

One of the unique factors about MSCI is their access to something called ‘ESG’ - this stands for Environmental, Social and Governance data. It means that investment portfolios can now be measured with how companies are perceived through the lens of their environmental impact and their stance on issues important to society (for example, how diverse their company board of executives is).

Back in mid-2020, we developed a single-page digital experience that taught their audiences about the rise of ESG.

The page - filled with dazzling visuals - and understanding yet compelling copy, turned a complex solution into an easy-to-understand solution that delivers BIG: big contributions to a sustainable world and big enhancements for business reputations.

The page was commended by multiple B2B award schemes, including The Drum, B2B Marketing and the Global Ace Awards.